What is Shea Butter?

Shea butter originates from the seeds of the fruit of a Karite tree, commonly referred to as a Shea tree. It contains Vitamin A, E, and F and has many healing and anti-aging properties. Emollient and rich, Shea butter soothes, moisturizes, and protects skin and hair. Shea butter can also serve as the basis for many health and beauty skincare products.

Is Grade A shea butter different?

Grade A shea butter is unrefined shea butter that has been extracted and prepared without the use of preservatives, additives, and chemicals. This is the traditional way Sub-saharan women have been producing shea butter for centuries. Grade A shea butter has a subtle, nutty aroma and is ivory to pale yellow in color. Beware of suppliers who claim their shea butter is 100% natural if it doesn't meet these standards.

Is your shea butter certified organic

The Karite tree grows in the wild, so it is naturally organic. We know our customers desire organically certified natural ingredients, Real Raw Shea (RRS) is currently in the process of obtaining an organic certification however we want you to know, our shea butter is organically made from seeds obtained from Karite trees grown in nature, without GMOs or pesticides.

What is For Life and Fair For Life?

The two complementary standards share a common ground: * Respect of human rights and fair working conditions * Respect of the ecosystem and promotion of biodiversity, sustainable agriculture practices * Respect and betterment of local impact Fair for Life brand holder companies commit to fair sourcing practices and responsibilities towards their primary producers down the commodity chain. Fair for Life certification of products also confirms traceability of all certified products from production to sales. As of May 18, 2020, RRS has been Fair for Life and For Life Certified and remain committed in promoting human rights and displaying visibility into our supply chain.

How long can I store shea butter?

Unrefined shea butter should be stored in cool to room temperature. When these conditions are met, it has a shelf life of 24 months.

What makes RRS different?

RRS invests in the communities where our shea butter is produced. RRS started a self-sufficient cooperative in the Savannah Region of Ghana that employs local women. These women are paid above fair-trade and a portion of RRS’s profits are donated to their communities.

What is your supply chain?

RRS offers a transparency into our operations, starting with the sourcing of our natural ingredients - until it arrives on a customer’s doorstep. RRS’s supply chain guarantees that our shea butter is sourced, produced, and available to a customer within 10 - 14 business calendar days. This guarantee is for both large and small quantities, although typically smaller orders arrive more quickly.

Will you expand your line to include more natural products?

Yes, we are already testing new products and ingredients to introduce. Shea butter is just the beginning.

What is your return policy?

RRS will accept unopened jars of our smaller quantities within 14 business calendar days of arrival. The return/cancellation policy for bulk shea butter is determined in the buyer agreement.

How can I purchase in bulk?

Please contact us at connect@realrawshea.com or fill out our inquiry form.